TANMS Successfully Pilots New High School Outreach Program and Welcomes Lawndale High School as a New Precollege Partner
Post date: Jun 01, 2017 9:29:25 PM
TANMS just welcomed 200 high school students from Lawndale High School in Centinela Valley High School District into our extended family! For four days during this last week of May, TANMS graduate students, Kevin Fitzell, Maggie Xiao, Cai Chen, and Stephen Sasaki collaborated and team-taught the brand-new TANMS Electromagnetism and Nanoscale Motor Modules that they co-developed with physics teacher, Maria Lyn Genota, as part of the new TANMS high school outreach initiative that has been almost one year in the making. The enthusiasm and dedication from Ms. Genota and these full-time graduate researchers have been astounding and was the invaluable driving force behind the successful implementation of this program.
Ms. Genota came to TANMS as a participant of our 2016 Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program with high recommendations from Lawndale High School principal, Paula Rodas, and UCLA MESA/CEED Director, Rick Ainsworth. Widely recognized for her outstanding and dedicated teaching, Ms. Genota is a recipient of numerous awards including Teacher of the Year from Inglewood Unified School District in 2016, MESA Advisor of the Year for the State of California in 2007, and the Certificated Employee of the Year from Lawndale High School in 2017. As TANMS Deputy Director, Professor Jane Chang, so well indicated, “TANMS is truly fortunate to have Ms. Genota whose dedicated effort makes it possible to broaden the impact of our ERC.”
The TANMS Electromagnetism and Nanoscale Motor Modules were developed to align with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) while incorporating fundamental concepts from core TANMS research involving multiferroics and nanoscale motors. Over two class periods, students engage in interactive lectures and hands-on activities as they investigate the world electromagnetism and explore multiferroic science and nanomotors.
The four-day pilot implementation at Lawndale High School culminated with a closing ceremony where all of the students who participated gathered to be recognized for their contribution to the new TANMS effort. Members of the TANMS leadership team also provided inspirational talks that invited the students to explore their potentials as future engineers.
We are extremely excited to witness the success of the Lawndale High School pilot. In just a few weeks on June 22-24, TANMS will be hosting the first TANMS Summer Teacher Institute at UCLA. In partnership with UCLA Center forExcellence in Engineering Diversity, UCLA MESA, and UCLA Science Project, TANMS will introduce the new TANMS Electromagnetism and Nanoscale Motor Module along with NGSS and Common Core strategies to a group of MESA teachers from the Los Angeles region. Together, we aim to broaden our impact in encouraging the pursuit of STEM from high school and beyond.
Students show off winnings from hard-earned raffle tickets!
Professor Greg Carman, TANMS Center Director, speaks at the Culmination Celebration at Lawndale High School