Scott Strutner represents TANMS at the NSF nationwide Perfect Pitch Competition
Post date: Nov 05, 2014 8:18:12 PM
TANMS is pleased to announce Scott Strutner as its representative for the 2014 NSF nationwide Perfect Pitch Competition.
"It has been traditional for students to present posters highlighting their research at the conference that ERCs hold each year for their industry partners. By asking students to answer the following three questions in 90 seconds—what real-life problem their research addressed, how they solved it in a unique way, and what impact it would have for society and in achieving their Center’s mission—they learn a succinct way of talking about their research in the context of societal needs and the broader impact of their success.
The competition is open only to ERC undergraduates, Masters, and PhD students, all competing for the first place $5,000 cash prize. Each ERC holds an internal competition in order to select one winner to send to the finals at the ERC Program biennial meeting, where an overall winner and two runners-up are chosen by a distinguished panel of judges from industry and the venture capital world."
Read more about the competition or check out the rules/guidelines.